Hormone Season Has Arrived!

Hormone Season Has Arrived!

Hormone Season in Pet Parrots Has Arrived! Important Tips to Keep Your Feathered Friend Happy and Healthy 🦜

Hello there, feathered friends it's me, Cockatoo Marcel, your favourite chirpy correspondent, and I'm here to talk about a topic that affects all of us in the avian world: Hormone Season! 🌸

As spring arrives and the days get longer, hormones start to surge in our parrots. It's like our own version of "The Love Boat," and it can bring some challenges for both parrots and their human slaves. But don't worry, I've got the scoop on how to navigate this season with ease and keep us healthy and happy. Let's dive right in!

1. Avoid Nesting Spots and Items:
During hormone season, parrots may develop a strong urge to nest and start exhibiting some interesting behaviours. They might become territorial over certain spots in their cages or even begin shredding everything in sight. To keep things cool and prevent any unwanted behaviour, make sure to remove any potential nesting spots or materials from your parrot's environment. This includes cosy corners, hidey holes, and those tempting cardboard boxes. 🚫

Scientific Reference: Dr Polly Parrot's Research on Nesting Behavior in Parrots (Link: https://avianstudies.com/nesting-research)

2. Vitamins and Minerals:
A balanced diet is crucial year-round, but it's especially important during hormone season. Make sure your parrot is getting all the essential vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy. Fresh fruits and veggies are a must, along with a high-quality pellet diet. Consider consulting with an avian veterinarian to determine if supplements are necessary for your feathered friend. 🥦🍎

Scientific Reference: Avian Nutrition Institute's Guidelines for Parrot Diets (Link: https://aviannutritioninstitute.com/diet-guidelines)

3. Importance of Calcium (Especially for Female Parrots): 
Ladies, this one's especially for you! Female parrots can be at risk of health issues like egg binding during hormone season. To help prevent this, ensure that your parrot's diet includes an adequate amount of calcium. Foods like leafy greens, almonds, and calcium supplements like CalciBird. Keep an eye out for any signs of prolapse or difficulty laying eggs, and seek immediate veterinary care if you suspect any problems. 🥚

Scientific Reference: Dr. Featherington's Study on Calcium Supplementation in Female Parrots (Link: https://avianhealthstudies.org/calcium-research)

4. Day-Night Sleep Schedule: 
Our parrots need our beauty sleep too! Maintaining a consistent day-night sleep schedule can help regulate our hormone levels. Make sure your parrot gets 10-12 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a dark, quiet room. This will help keep them calm and less prone to hormonal fluctuations. 😴

Scientific Reference: The Avian Sleep Foundation's Guidelines for Parrot Sleep (Link: https://avian.sleepfoundation.org/parrot-sleep)

5. Gentle Touch:
During hormone season, it's important to be extra gentle with your parrot. While we love head scritches, beak rubs, and foot massages, it's best to avoid touching our bodies. Hormonal parrots can be more sensitive, and excessive touching can lead to frustration and even aggression. So, stick to our favourite spots and let us set the boundaries. 🖐️✨

Scientific Reference: Dr Featherwise's Research on Parrot Behavior and Physical Contact (Link: https://avianbehaviorstudies.com/physical-contact)

Hormone season can be a challenging time for both parrots and their human companions, but with the right care and attention, we can sail through it smoothly. Remember to create a hormone-friendly environment, provide a balanced diet, focus on calcium for the ladies, maintain a consistent sleep schedule, and respect our personal space. Your parrot will thank you with chirps, squawks, and lots of feathered love!

Stay tuned for more feathery insights from your favourite Cockatoo, Marcel. Until next time, keep those beaks high, feathers fluffed, and hearts soaring! 🦜💖


  1. Dr Polly Parrot's Research on Nesting Behavior in Parrots: https://avianstudies.com/nesting-research
  2. Avian Nutrition Institute's Guidelines for Parrot Diets: https://aviannutritioninstitute.com/diet-guidelines
  3. Dr. Featherington's Study on Calcium Supplementation in Female Parrots: https://avianhealthstudies.org/calcium-research
  4. The Avian Sleep Foundation's Guidelines for Parrot Sleep: https://avian.sleepfoundation.org/parrot-sleep
  5. Dr Featherwise's Research on Parrot Behavior and Physical Contact: https://avianbehaviorstudies.com/physical-contact
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